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Why Join a Real Estate Team

Jun 21

Real estate teams can be formal or informal and often evolve from standard brokerages with a lead agent and systems in place. They may share office space and tools, or they may operate more like a traditional brokerage in which agents work independently and build their own clientele but remain connected to one another through marketing and referrals. To know more visit

Regardless of the structure, real estate team members can benefit from the support and collaboration offered by other agents with different specialties and experience. New agents can learn the business from more seasoned professionals, and even experienced agents can find value in learning how to better generate leads or prioritize lead follow-up work.

The financial benefits of joining a real estate team can be significant, particularly for new agents. In addition to the commission split, many real estate teams will provide administrative assistance and training that can help new agents grow their business. For example, many real estate teams have a designated marketing specialist that handles all of the team’s marketing, which can free up an agent’s time so they can focus on closing deals and building their business.

Many real estate agents will also join a team to gain access to additional marketing and networking opportunities. Some teams will host regular team meetings that include educational topics and industry updates. In addition, many real estate teams will pool their resources and leads, which can provide new agents with a much larger database of potential buyers or sellers than they could develop on their own.

As an added bonus, many real estate teams have partnerships with other businesses in the industry, such as mortgage brokers or title companies. These relationships allow the team to offer their clients a more complete suite of services, and they can also help to foster a community amongst their fellow real estate professionals.

Some teams will also offer mentoring relationships to new agents, which can be a great way for new agents to become familiar with the local market and build their network. Additionally, some teams will have contests and achievement boards to encourage their agents to set goals for themselves and take steps towards reaching them.

When considering a real estate team to join, it’s important to interview several agents and ask questions about the structure, training, and financials of the organization. The goal is to choose the best fit for your individual needs, so be sure to consider the size of the team (some are large and some are small), how the agents on the team work together, and whether the team offers any value adds that would appeal to you.

In addition to the questions above, it’s also a good idea to ask the team leader about their marketing strategy and how they plan to attract qualified leads. In particular, you want to make sure that the team is using social media effectively and has a strong presence on the top online real estate websites.